50 Shades of Waste
Does This Waste Sound familiar?
- Moving papers from one pile to another.
- Spending an hour to save a dollar.
- Hearing without listening.
- Requesting advice with no intention of acting on it.
- Starting many things without finishing anything.
- Looking over people’s shoulders.
- Complaining without offering a solution.
- Creating a temporary fix rather than addressing the root cause.
- Wading through red tape.
- Repeating the same mistakes over and over and over.
- Indecision. (So much for haste makes waste.)
- Generating great ideas that collect dust on the shelf.
- Criticizing instead of giving feedback.
- Attacking the person rather than debating the issue.
- Creating rules without insisting that they be followed.
- Worrying about the future or dwelling in the past.
- Saying “maybe” when you really want to say “no.”
- Requesting reports with no intention of reviewing them.
- Failing to address small problems before they become BIG ones.
- Following outdated policies.
- Making people jump through hoops — to show them who’s boss.
- Starving a winning project because you’re funding a losing one.
- Working at cross-purposes.
- Talking behind someone’s back.
- Meetings without agendas.
- Revenge.
- Envy. (What a waste.)
- Twenty layers of approvals.
- Passing the buck.
- Micromanaging talented people.
- Casting blame.
- Looking for misplaced things (every day).
- Failing to address bad habits.
- Feeling sorry for yourself.
- Trying to control the uncontrollable.
- Infighting.
- Covering up the truth.
- Reinventing the wheel.
- Plotting to gain the upper hand.
- Dreaming without doing.
- Gathering facts, then ignoring them.
- Holding a grudge.
- Needing to be right (all the time).
- Demanding obedience rather than securing buy-in.
- Making excuses.
- Doing it over rather than doing it right the first time.
- Keeping busy for the sake of keeping busy.
- Promoting yourself instead of getting the job done.
- Striving for perfection rather than excellence.
- Underestimating the value of trust.
Waste no time in addressing these items.
How Much Waste Can You Spot in Your Life?
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Abednego onsomu says
Fabulous frank
Frank Sonnenberg says
You’re very kind, Abednego. I’m glad you like it Thank you!
kathyb says
Thank you for taking the time to write this & make a download – printing & reading these helps me remember who I am striving to become, and what I am striving to let go of.
Frank Sonnenberg says
Hi Kathy
I’m so glad Kathy. I create these “posters” so that folks like you can share them with family and friends.
Shelly L says
Hello Mr. Sonnenberg,
I came across your name on a Horoscope site where your quote “Lessons In Life Will Be Repeated Until They Are Learned”. I immediately searched for your name thinking this was the title of a book. I recently started making notes about different areas of my life and noticed that I often meet and re-meet (spend short amount of time with them) the same men/lovers/friends throughout my life. So, there is a pattern, but I don’t know WHY. So when I saw your quote–I thought it was a sign for me to look into the reason. Do you have any material/books/articles that can help direct me in my quest for an answer? Thank you in advance! Shelly L. 09/24/2017
Frank Sonnenberg says
Hi Shelly
Welcome to my site. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
My mission is simple: To reawaken our commitment to character, values, and personal responsibility. It’s not a business; it’s my passion.
One of the many topics that I’ve covered is, “Why Learn the Hard Way?” Here’s the link if you’re interested.
My hope is that these posts will help to make a difference in your life.
smith says
very inspiring. i always follow your ideas- well thought out.
Frank Sonnenberg says
Thank you Smith. You’re very kind.
Thanks for taking the time to write.