Does it feel like you’re drowning under an ever-growing, never-ending to-do list? No matter how fast you check things off, more tasks pile up. If you’re like most people, it’s a relentless cycle of frustration and stress with no finish line in sight. The weight of these demands leaves you exhausted and takes a toll… [Read More]
Do What Matters Most to You
It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor, powerful or weak, young or old — everyone has the same amount of time each day. What you do with that time is your choice and your choice alone. You can invest it or fritter it away. You can focus on priorities or waste it on meaningless… [Read More]
9 Reasons Why Being Busy Is a Shortcoming
How to Add More Hours to Your Day
If you’ve ever cleaned out your attic, you know how much junk you can accumulate over time. Some of us keep stuff because we have the room, while others just can’t be bothered to get rid of things. It got me thinking. If you won’t clean up your clutter, how much of what you do… [Read More]
Distractions, Disruptions, and Other Time Wasters
Did you ever ask yourself, where did the day go? Even though you had high hopes of getting stuff done, you didn’t clear your plate…again. Despite the fact that you worked tirelessly throughout the day, time simply got away from you. Sound familiar? It doesn’t matter if you’re at the office or doing chores at… [Read More]
Make Time: There’s No Dress Rehearsal in Life
“She called me a bad name.” “He took my toy.” “She didn’t like my dress.” “I had it first.” Ah yes, the thrill of being young again. Remember how important these things seemed when we were young? In retrospect, they now seem so trivial. Do you make time for things that matter? Of course, as… [Read More]