Many of us take each day as it comes and then seem surprised to find where life has taken us. Consider this: Do you prioritize the areas of your life and make decisions based on those priorities? Or do you go with the flow — and leave everything to chance? During your journey through life,… [Read More]
It’s YOUR Life. Are You in Control?
Are you the captain of your life, or do you allow others to chart your course? Many of us seek approval from others, follow the crowd, or try to keep up with the Joneses. This isn’t a call to disregard your need to fit in or to reject the support of others. But if you’re… [Read More]
12 Reasons Why People Procrastinate
It’s so easy for a to-do list to snowball out of control. In fact, it can become so overwhelming that it makes you freeze in your tracks — preventing you from getting anything done. “How can it get this bad?” you ask. One word … procrastination. People procrastinate by putting things off rather than working on them…. [Read More]
It’s Beyond Your Control
Face it…some things are beyond your control. Yet some folks don’t always see it that way. For example: We want the sun to shine on our parade and we get upset when the weather doesn’t comply with our wishes. We expect everything to go according to plan and get stressed when it doesn’t turn out… [Read More]
42 Ways to Make Your Life Easier
8 Ways to Tackle Your To-Do List
Why Make Your Life Complicated?
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The same can be said of performing any activity, tackling any issue, or making progress in general. Yet, some people opt for a topsy-turvy lifestyle in which everything goes in twists and turns. It should come as no surprise that this behavior can be a… [Read More]
Moments Lost
One minute doesn’t seem like much over a lifetime, but even a second matters more than you think. The fact is, precious moments pass in the blink of an eye. And once they’re gone, they’re gone forever. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by the complexities of life. We juggle a million balls, run in… [Read More]